Therapeutic fog: Choose the right inhaler for the whole family

Inhalation is an indispensable treatment for nose, throat, lungs and bronchi during colds (including asthma). The benefit of the procedure is that the patient breathes in pairs of medications that help to remove sputum and mucus from the diseased organs.

Inhalation and medicines are prescribed by a doctor, as this procedure is contraindicated (fever, severe lung disease, heart disease, etc.).

What good are the inhalers as a cure:

  • The medicine is delivered directly to the inflammation area;
  • Efficacy (the patient feels relieved immediately after the procedure);
  • has no side effects or complications (like taking medication indoors);
  • A wide range of treatments for diseases;
  • Ease of use;
  • The possibility of many years of use.

What do you need to know before you buy an inhaler

Before you start your inhaler reviews, you need to answer an important question: What diseases do you intend to treat with an inhaler? This is exactly what will determine your choice. The inhaler plays the role of a transporter to deliver the medicine to the diseased organ.

That is, if you treat the throat – the drug should get into the throat. And if you treat the lungs – in the lungs. What does it matter if the medicine gets to the right place or not? From the dispersion of aerosol particles (dispersion – drop size).

Coarse droplets of aerosols are designed to treat upper respiratory tract (runny nose, pharyngitis, laryngitis). Large droplets are created by a steam inhaler. However, unfortunately, it will not be able to deliver medicinal fumes to the bronchi and lungs, so it is impossible to cure bronchitis with steam.

Small droplets of aerosols will successfully cope with the delivery of the drug to the bronchi and lungs. They are called nebulizers, which translates as “fog”. Tiny particles similar to fog and clouds can penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, but are ineffective for the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases.

Types of inhalers and their features

Steam inhaler is almost the same pot with steam from childhood. The modern steam inhaler is made in the form of a closed container, where the hot solution and holes are filled in, through which it is convenient to breathe in steam with the nose and mouth. Some steam inhalers are powered by the network, so the steam does not cool down and the procedure is more efficient. Let’s repeat – the steam inhaler is suitable only for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, so it is suitable for improving the condition in case of minor colds and runny nose.

The pros of a steam inhaler:

  • Affordable price;
  • Ease of use;
  • Essential oils and medicinal herbs;
  • Use in therapeutic and cosmetic procedures.

Minus the steam inhaler:

  • uncomfortable for children (recommended from 10 years of age);
  • There is a risk of vapour burn;
  • boiling water, which produces steam, mostly destroys the therapeutic properties of drugs.

Ultrasonic nebulizer forms particles of aerosol by influencing the therapeutic solution of high-frequency vibrations. Modern ultrasonic inhalers are available in two types: those that inhale the aerosol and those that inhale the aerosol automatically (due to the action of a fan).

The ultrasonic inhaler is convenient for children

Plus the ultrasonic inhaler:

  • Superfine particles, and rapid penetration of inflammation;
  • device safety – the aerosol does not heat up, no mucous burn is excluded;
  • compactness and lightness of the device;
  • Many models work from batteries and from a network.

Minus the ultrasonic inhaler:

  • Some drugs are destroyed by ultrasound, so the ultrasonic nebulizer is not suitable for the treatment of mucolytic (liquefying sputum) and hormonal drugs.

Compressor nebulizers operate thanks to a piston compressor that injects compressed air and converts the liquid into a fine aerosol.

Many compressor inhalers are equipped with several atomisers: universal, for upper and lower respiratory tract. In addition, the device is equipped with masks of different sizes, so it is suitable for family members of different ages. It is the same inhaler that will help both the neck and bronchi.

For some time, the lack of inhalers was considered to be the lack of noisy operation, but the improved models are deprived of this lack.

The pros of a compressor inhaler:

  • suitable for all medicines and preparations;
  • covers a wide range of disease treatments;
  • has different removable nozzles and masks of different sizes;
  • Suitable for small children – some models are made in the form of toys.

Minus the compressor inhaler:

  • volume and large mass;
  • Work only from the network, attachment to the socket.

Electron-mesh (membrane) nebulizers appeared on the market about five years ago. We can say that these are advanced ultrasonic inhalers.

Thanks to the technology of low-frequency spraying through the thinnest membrane, the mesh nebulizer produces the smallest aerosol compared to the above mentioned inhalers. The main advantage of the advanced nebulizer is the absence of restrictions on the use of drugs.

Plus the membrane inhaler:

  • Possibility of using mucolytic and hormonal drugs;
  • Lightness, compactness;
  • Possibility of work from batteries and a network;
  • Silence during work;
  • Possibility of work under different angles that is convenient for kids and lying patients.

Minuses of membrane inhaler:

  • High price (starting from 4000 rubles);
  • The need for careful care of the delicate membrane.

What’s the best inhaler for a child

As you can see from this overview, all types of inhalers are suitable for children. Only steam is considered the most uncomfortable and traumatic. However, some children are successfully treated with warm steam and are not capricious.

It turns out that the choice of inhaler depends on the specific health problems that you are going to alleviate and eliminate. Therefore, carefully study the nebulizer instructions and check their completeness.

And if you have chosen a compressor nebulizer, check the presence of a child’s mask, various nozzles and the level of noise at work, because the device can scare the baby.

The most optimal option for the whole family can be called an electronic nettle-inhalator, if you are not afraid of its price and the need for careful care of the membrane.

Features of the use of drugs in nebulizers

During inhalation, special medications from pharmacies that are diluted with saline solution should be used. It is strictly forbidden to experiment dissolving tablets in water and place them in a nebulizer!

Special medications should be used for inhalers

Essential oils and infusions of medicinal plants are better used in steam inhalers. These products have a beneficial effect only on the upper respiratory tract, so it makes no sense to put them in finely-dropped nebulizers (especially mesh). In addition, herbs and oils may be natural allergens and are not recommended for the treatment of children.