CBD oil for pet cat

It may not be the most obvious idea, but even if you’ve never thought about it, CBD oil can have beneficial effects for your dog, cat or horse, and ultimately, for all kinds of pets. Biologically we are very similar to other mammals and other animals, because we all have similar endocannabinoid systems.

In fact, the main ingredient in CBD (cannabinoid) oils can be found in both human and animal bodies. This explains why CBD oil can balance this complex endocannabinoid regulatory system in a wide range of species throughout the animal kingdom. CBD oil replenishes the natural system, both yours and your pet’s, and will make the body work more efficiently.

CBD Oil Test Results

American and Canadian researchers have conducted a series of studies on the effects that CBD oil has on animals, such as cats, dogs and horses that suffer from serious physical problems. Obviously, CBD will not magically make these medical problems go away, but CBD oil has been shown to be effective in relieving pain and supporting regular medical treatments.

Administering CBD oil in pets

Some pets may have anxious or even aggressive tendencies. For animals under these circumstances, CBD oil can have a calming effect. It can smooth out those rough edges, to ensure that your pet stays calm and relaxed.

If your pet has physical disorders, CBD oil can be used as an analgesic to relieve pain. You can give CBD oil to your pet in several ways. The most common approach is simply to add CBD oil to your pet’s regular food. But be sure to pay attention to the dosage.

Which CBD oil is right for pets?

You can treat your pets with SupMedi CBD oil without any side effects. Since there is no THC in our CBD oil, you don’t have to worry about your pet getting high, because it’s not possible. When it comes to dosage, our rule of thumb is that our 10% oil is suitable for animals weighing more than 40 kilos. We advise using our 3.5% CBD oil for any pet that shows minor symptoms or is underweight. You can find our full range of products here.

Dosage and advice

Be sure to consult your veterinarian about treating your pet with CBD oil, and respect the prescribed dosage. CBD has no negative indications for use with any medication or other supplements. However, we want to emphasise that any combination of different medications can have risks.

In this regard, humans have a lot in common with our pets, so animals also run the risk of having too many drugs in their body if other substances block the breakdown of certain drugs.

Generally speaking, one drop of CBD oil once or twice a day will be sufficient for dogs or cats. If you would like to get personal advice on our products and their use, we will be happy to help you.

If you want to learn more and to know more about CBD oil for animals just simply click here.

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