Medical technology that will shape our future

It is obvious that society is moving forward with seven-mile steps, which contributes to the development of medical technology. If we try to look into the near future, we will see a world of new and advanced technologies, which yesterday was difficult even to imagine.

DNA designer

DNA is an ideal medium that can contain a huge amount of information. The structure of DNA is constantly evolving and changing, and its molecules are often called building blocks of living organisms. For researchers at Harvard University, this phrase makes much more sense than for ordinary people – scientists do use DNA as building blocks to develop different structures and systems.

Using this method, scientists have encoded 284 pages of the book in a single DNA molecule. They were able to record this information by first converting the data into binary code and then converting the digits from one to zero into a quadruple DNA numbering system – A, T, G and C. The result was that the data could be easily read, although the process was still quite time-consuming. But this is still the case.

Life support devices

Devices such as pacemakers, which regulate the heart rhythm, are used by about 700,000 people in the world. The downside is that they can only serve for about seven years, and then the equipment must be replaced. It’s not just a complicated but also a costly surgical procedure.

Have solved this problem once and for all – they have developed a completely new pacemaker that works by reducing the heart muscle.The next step in testing the new device should be the implantation of the device in a living human heart.

If the technology works and shows positive results, it will be able to make a revolution not only in the medical sphere, but also in the industrial one. This mechanism is so sensitive that it can produce electricity at any pulse rate.

Treatment of cerebral disorders

The brain is a sensitive organ, the damage to which may have long-term consequences. For people with craniocerebral injury, holistic rehabilitation is perhaps the only hope for a return to normal life. But now there is an alternative method.

Your language is connected to the CNS through thousands of nerve endings, some of which lead directly to brain neurons. Portable neurostimulators (PoNS) stimulate certain nerve areas of the tongue and through this machine the brain receives signals to repair damaged areas. Patients using the system have shown significant improvement in just one week.

Printed bones

With the help of a 3D printer, researchers from the University of Washington have created artificial material with bone properties. This “model” can be transplanted into the human body as long as the real bone matures, and then it is broken down and excreted without causing harm to the body.

The main problem was the choice of material to create the bone. After a while, scientists created a formula that included zinc, silicon, phosphate and calcium. The mixture was tested and concluded that with the addition of stem cells it would work much better.

We used the ProMetal 3D printer for the study. It works almost as well as a regular printer. It just needs to fill in the mixture and print the right bones.The main advantage of this technology is that now, with the right combination of components of biological material, you can get any tissue, even real organs, with the help of the printer.

Pollen as a method of vaccination

Flower pollen is one of the most common allergens in the world. Its structure is so hard and resistant to moisture that it easily penetrates the human digestive system when it enters the body. Once the same thing happens with oral vaccination, the body does not absorb the entire amount of the substance, as it is affected by the juices of the digestive tract.

Scientists from the University of Texas have decided to study the properties of floral pollen and develop a vaccine using it. This technology can leave the injection method of vaccination far behind and become a turning point in medicine.

Electronic underwear

Even though it sounds funny, underwear can save thousands of lives. Patients lying in a coma or unconscious for weeks or months may develop decubitus, a dead tissue resulting from constant pressure. Psoresis can even have fatal consequences – about 60,000 people die of infections each year because of them.

There are special devices in the underwear that send an electrical impulse every ten minutes, causing muscles to contract. The effect of the device is the same as if the patient was exercising on his own. By affecting the muscles, electronic underwear can solve this problem forever.

Brain cells from urine

The main advantage of the method is that cells created from urine do not provoke cancer, while embryonic stem cells used in medicine today, unfortunately, have such side effects – after their transplantation, often begin to develop tumors. Cell transplantation on the basis of urine did not lead to any undesirable neoplasms.

Researchers believe that this method is more accessible and practical for creating stem cells. Neurons derived from urine can be used to treat degenerative diseases of the nervous system.

Living Cell Simulation Gel

Many medical studies are devoted to attempts to recreate human tissues on the basis of various materials. In the future, with the success of this technology, it is possible to ensure a healthy life for all of humanity: if, for example, one of the organs ceases to function, it can be raised in a laboratory environment and replaced.

Scientists are now developing a gel that mimics the activity of living cells. The material is formed in bundles of 7.5 billion parts of a meter wide, which, in comparison, is about four times the width of the double helix of DNA. As is known, cells have their own type of skeleton – a cytoskeleton consisting of proteins. Synthetic gel replaces damaged tissues in the cell frame, stopping the spread of infections and bacteria.

Magnetic levitation

Artificial lung tissue was grown through magnetic levitation. The researchers have set a goal to create a bronchiola in the laboratory. For the experiment used tiny magnets injected into the cells.